Category: Taiwan Internship

Week 9!

Wow! It has been quite a while here in Taiwan. It looks like I am nearing the end of my internship. In fact, I have only two days left (today, and tomorrow) before my internship comes to an end. Okay

Week 6 and 7

Wow! It's already been seven weeks being here in Taiwan, (I did a bit of calculations because I could not believe it at first). Seriously, time does fly when you aren't paying attention. Also

Week 5

Yay! I have now gone through another week. This week has been quite hectic. On Monday I received an email outlining some of the supervisor's requirements. From the looks of the email, he wants som

Week 3 and 4

I have not wrote a post for a week now. Hmm... well I guess I will just update what happens now. So just last week (on Tuesday) I made my first actual presentation in front of the manager. Preparing

Week 2

So this is week 2 of this intern! Yay! So this week I continued to work on figuring out this afl fuzzing thing. The flopped presentations...This Tuesday, I again attended the presentation meeting for

Week 1

It's been a week on my internship. On the first day, I did mostly paperwork and prep stuff. One of the things that was acute to me was the fact that everyone spoke Chinese to me. Remarkably, I was

My Internship in Taiwan

Hello from Taiwan! I think I will decide to document this 2-month Taiwan internship that I will be embarking, for both educational and for my own purpose of reflection. Later on, I may decide to publi