
Binary Hands-on Supplementary

This is a supplementary material for a class. (A work in progress)

From dynamic analysis to doing some low level debugging, gdb will be your friend when it comes to debugging linux binaries. I would suggest installing some extension to add onto gdb (since vanilla gdb is pretty hard to work with. It has many features out of the box, but a lot of them are hidden behind different commands).

Today I will be going over the binary that I showed last time in ghidra. You can download the binaries here (x86) and here (ARM). Then I will also go over your part 1 of the assignment 2.

Setting up GDB

For all intent and purposes, GEF is useful for most different architectures. Here are a few ways to install it:

# via the install script
## using curl
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL http://gef.blah.cat/sh)"

## using wget
$ sh -c "$(wget http://gef.blah.cat/sh -O -)"

# or manually
$ wget -O ~/.gdbinit-gef.py -q http://gef.blah.cat/py
$ echo source ~/.gdbinit-gef.py >> ~/.gdbinit

When you use gef, you are able to see more with gdb, and it colors your terminal to make it more appealing. Later you will also see that gef will print out all the registers/assembly code to help you debug code more effectively.

There are older extensions like peda and pwndbg, but they are either not super up-to-date or do not support as many architectures as gef does.

Once you set up gdb-gef, you will get a prompt like this:

GDB GEF prompt

Running a program

To start up a program in GDB, you will have to load the program. You can do so in two manners:

  1. You can pass the name of the program as a command-line argument to gdb itself, i.e. gdb myprog.
  2. You can load the program on the gdb prompt with file myprog.

After loading the program, you need to run it. You can use the run command to start the program, or use the start command and have gdb immediately break on the entrypoint of the program (either the real entrypoint or at main if gdb can find where the main function is).

Note: If you want to pass command arguments to the program you are running you can pass them as arguments to the run or start command. If you want to pipe a file as input into the program you can use specify that input file as < myInputFile as you would normally do on a command line.

When you want to stop the program you just run the kill command to kill the process.

Running and stopping a process in GDB

Stepping and Breakpoints

This is something you probably will likely use very often. Whenever you set a breakpoint, you are telling gdb to stop the program whenever it reaches some location. To set a break point, we use break command to do so.

You can either then pass in an address or an expression, examples: break *0xdeadbeef or break *myfunc+100.

WARNING: Make sure to always place an asterisk (*) before your expression or address, otherwise break might complain some odd error message.

Previously, we learned that this binary reads in your input, and for each byte, runs this myst function, and then compares it to some array called flag. If we can figure out what input values result in what output values, we win.

Let us set a breakpoint right before our call to myst.

break *main+163

Note: to clear all breakpoints, type in del. To clear only one breakpoint, specify del breaknum where breaknum is the breakpoint number.

So now let's talk about a series of commands to move around in gdb:

  • stepi or si: step one instruction in the program
  • step or s: steps one line in source code. If there is no source associated with this particular code, it does the same as stepi.

Now imagine you are about to call a function but don't want to step into the function (stepi or step will always go into a function). You can instead use nexti/ni or its related next/n command to step over this function.

What if you accidentally stepped into a function and want to exit from it? Use can use the fin/finish command to exit out of a function.

In this demo, I show how you manipulate gdb to move around in this code. I also use the c or continue command to let gdb resume the program, until it reaches the next breakpoint (or if it hits the same one again).

Now can we do any better? Let's try to define a gdb hook that prints out the letter and it's output value at each time. See here.

Printing and reading memory

Anatomy of a buffer overflow

Addendum I

If you are struggling with some errors liveoverfow provides some common errors that you can try troubleshooting first.
