Last weekend I competed at UTCTF with team dcua (or at least representing dcua, as this was only open to American university students, and up to 5 people).

Wow. UT has it's own CTF now! Woot. Now I'm jealous, 'cause my university, UTD has not done a ctf :'( . Anyways, UT is a special university in my heart, as I have quite a few highschool friends down at UT right now, and I have a few (small) connections with the officers down there, (and it would also be the university that I would've been at had I not chosen UTD, tehehe!)

Honestly, the CTF was quite a blast and I had a lot of fun with the pwns. One of my favs was the ECHO challenge. (The PPC was just very annoying and I would say that was the one challenge that caused us 2nd place) :/ Hey! When there's basically only pwner on the team (you) there's kinda a huge pressure on the whole thing... plus I was busy for half of the time qqqqqqq...

Okay so I am currently sitting on loads of homework, which I totally ignored over the CTF, so I might be unable to do writeups for many challenges. Probably just gonna write ECHO for now.

Anyways enough talk, and let's move on to the CTF writeups! Woot, woot!


nc penguins.cool 1337
not a hint - this video literally has nothing to do with this challenge.. I think it's funny
by hk


See this article for more detail. First bruteforce stack layout, then search for ROP gadgets, then find a write function, leak binary, and then finally get shell and profit.

This IS NOT a beginner's blog. So before trying to understand this one, I would suggest maybe looking at babypwn, and understand stack overflow and ROP stuff first!

Scratching my head

Okay so initially when I opened the problem description, I instinctively decided to click the download button to download binary, but I clicked on it, I got a hint instead:

socket fd is always 4.

Huh... weird... no binary to REad... So next thing I decided to just copy-paste the netcat command to see what it is. Okay so it is some sort of echo server (duh!): you input some data, it prints out some data.

At this point, I decided to play with it a bit. First thing I always try, is input a lot of data, as this may be a sign of some overflow. Hmm... weird, it seems to just hang like that, and doesn't close the connection... weird... I also see to try printf stuff (unlikely) as this was the bug in babyecho. Nothing for format errors.

I've also made a few other observations with this program. This program hangs actually under two conditions: (a) if you enter too much at once (I think it was 16 characters), and (b) after 10 seconds it will also hang. I say "hang" but not really, as that is the behavior I get when I run it under netcat. In both cases, the server actually closes prematurely or crashes as I will mention later on.

So this is probably a buffer overflow thing. One thing that was weird tho, why when an error occurred my netcat connection doesn't close at all... weird... I'm guessing on the server side, it only shuts down the write side, and not the read side, anyways, I don't know. In my code, if I did a shutdown(write) after I finish writing the echo line, the socket seems to close promptly after a crash occurs. Great! This will come in handy later on.

At this point, I wanted to look at other problems as this seems too fuzzy to really get a good grip on it. Plus the admin was like this problem was so much "fun" to write it, I thought there has to be a lot more to it than just a crash.

Bruteforcing for profit

Then after a few moments, I had a breakthrough... I had remembered xoreaxeaxeax talk about some sandsifter tool in a talk here. Basically this program utilizes technique called tunneling (I will explain later) to try to probe for undocumented or unknown x86 instructions found on different chipsets.

Tunneling is a method of only incrementing the last byte of an instruction Then if this change results in a different exception or instruction length, we traverse further along this instruction incrementing the last byte again. This ensures minimizing testing of unuseful/similar instructions and instead focuses more time on fuzzing instruction opcodes/prefixes, etc... Of course, xoreaxeaxeax's white paper on this explains it in a lot more detail (see section IV).

Now I decided to implement a simpler version of this. I decided to start by sending a 1 byte input, permutating last byte with all 256 values. I know that if the server crashes, it will immediately exit after my input; otherwise, it will continue and prompt me for a second input. This is the binary answer that I want to differentiate between inputs, (note that I would have to invoke a shutdown(write) so that the prompting will not take forever on a wait timeout). Then if I find a small fraction that "crashes" or "passes" then I will choose a value from that set and move on. Otherwise, if all of them is one way or the other, I just choose "A" for simplicity. Here is my brute script.

I also ended up adding multiple threads to try to get the result faster. At this point I got something like this: 'A' * 16 + p64(0x7fff262c0500) + p64(0x400ddf) + 'A' * 12 + p32(4) + 'AAAAAAAAA....'. Apparently, I tried setting this to run for a bit longer, but I didn't get much success beyond that... apparently, any string after that seems to work. One thing that I got a bit hung up was why that random 4. I'll let you think about this for a sec ;)

Piece by piece, brick by brick, ROP by ROP

At this point, I had absolutely no idea what to do. I knew that the large pointer was probably a stack pointer, the next was a return address, (and apparently the LSB of the return address had a lot of potential candidates, which made sense). So I knew I was dealing with some sort of blind-ROP stuff. Except I don't know how to do it qqqqqqqq.... T_T.

At this point, I decided I could just test out all the potential addresses and see what I come up with... maybe there's a magical address that gets me shell (nope!). I decided to go through every single address to see if I can get some sort of special output. I don't think I could've gotten much from it since there was so much data to filter through. Also I noticed some of the outputs took a little bit longer than others... hmm... that's odd. I thought I had that shutdown(write) thing going on. Well turns out this will be important later on ;)

Also then there was that random 4 in the stack... hmm... OOOHHH! The hint. That's probably the socket fd (which explains, if I change that, I don't get printed output at all)! Ultimately, though I still don't know how to solve it.

So I decided to ping hk to see what he has to say. He referred me to this article, which was definitely a HUGE help and a boost to my moral. So I went along and quicky skimmed the article and went and continued. So first I needed to find two differing gadgets: a "crash" or "halt" gadget, and a "stop" or "hang" gadget. When retesting all the possible return values, I found that 0x4009aa was a good candidate for hanging the system. For crash, I just took an address that was definitely not a valid address: 0xffffffff.

To make my test more robust, I added two more test results, a PASS and a READ case. The PASS occurs if execution appears to print out some stuff. The READ case occurs if and only if the program hangs when I do not do a shutdown(read) (and it is fine when do do that). Okay for determining hangs, I normally set timeout to something low, .5 seconds initially, but than ramp it up to 5 seconds if necessary to confirm a hang (so I don't waste too many cycles whenever I don't need to test for hangs).

Here's my full script that details the steps I took while crafting my brop, and piecing together the entire binary. There are a few commented out lines corresponding to steps I took. This may also not fully work as the stack addresses may have changed from execution to execution.

Then the article suggest to search for ROP gadgets. To search, for example, a single pop gadget, you can prepare the stack as such:

| probe | crash | hang | crash... |

Where probe is the return address we want to test if it is a ROP. This means that the server will hang if and only if this probe pops a stack element, AND THEN returns, returning execution to hang. The article then suggests searching for a 6-POP ROP (or BROP) as this had a very "unique" signature found in every single x86-64 linux binary, and corresponds to the following assembly code (found in __libc_init_csu):

The almighty BROP gadget

This is also pretty nice as it also contains a pop rsi and pop rdi so I can control first two arguments of a function. Then the article calls to find strcmp, although it didn't really work for me in this challenge, and I found that I didn't need to do that as rdx is already set to some low non-zero value. After a bit of pins and needles, my script (miraculously) generated this segment of output:

0x00400bfb: potential BROP
0x00400bfb: POP(6)
0x00400bfc: potential BROP
0x00400bfc: POP(5)
0x00400bfd: potential BROP
0x00400bfd: POP(4)
0x00400bff: potential BROP
0x00400bff: POP(3)
0x00400c00: potential BROP
0x00400c00: POP(3)
0x00400c01: POP(2)
0x00400c02: POP(2)
0x00400c03: POP(1)
0x00400c04: POP(1)

Hooray! That's exactly the type of signature that I would get from finding a BROP seen above. See the interesting thing is with pop r##, there is a prefix byte that comes before a base pop instruction, which will modify the register to use a different set of registers, so 41 5f maps to pop r15, but 5f alone maps to pop rdi.

At this point, it was late, I had somewhere to go Sunday morning, and it was daylight saving qqqq... Now, come afternoon, when I came back to this challenge, I went to the next step, which was to figure out where the .plt section was.

Plt and the road to leak success

The article then reasons that to find a potential spot for PLT is a place where no crashes occur approximately 16 bytes away (since most PLT functions cause no crashes at all, and syscall functions only return error codes). To check that it is correct, if some address causes no crash, 6 bytes later should also have no crash. I found that PLT started roughly somewhere around 0x400880.

Now comes to find the functions. I found a strcmp function, and when I tried searching for the write function, it didn't work for me like I said. So I decided in a last ditch effort to remove strcmp from my ROP chain and start probing for write.

So I can easily control first two arguments. First must be fd (which is 4), second must be some address, and third must be some positive length (which I cannot easily control). After stripping out the strcmp I just hope to see the iconic ELF or 7f454c46 in hex signature of an ELF binary. After a bit of fudging, I found this in my logs:

Testing 0x004008b0
Testing 0x004008c0
PASS (4, roaddr)
Testing 0x004008d0
Testing 0x004008e0
PASS (4, roaddr)

Profit $$$

Whoot, woot, woot! So it looks like write@plt is at 0x4008c0!!!! Yeah let's go! Now time to go leak the binary, which is easy here, as it was simply just modifying my ROP chain to change the second argument. Also I needed to leak libc via the got address. In other problems, I think UT uses ubuntu 16.04 libc_23 version, so I just assumed it was same here. Turns out the GOT address of writes seems to match up on the binary. So now I have a much larger arsenal of ROPs to choose from. I can potentially now control RDX and RAX, (which is enough to build a ROP syscall chain).

I had one complication when trying to call system. It would completely not work. I also made sure to do the dup(4, {0|1|2}) properly, so that shell will work. After solving it, I realized they actually disabled fork (by limiting the number of processes that can be run to 1, doh!). Okay so I ended up writing a syscall execve ROP chain, and that worked. And I got flag. QED.

This was a fun challenge, kudos to @hk, and first time I heard of BROP! Also @hk, you owe me a 3d-printed prize! :P

That msg tho uwu
